Luxury Cars inundate Indonesia


Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Exemption of import duty for importers of luxury cars above 3,000 cc for Japanese products would certainly increase interest in Indonesian automotive market. Duty-free policy is stipulated in the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Indonesia and Japan.

President Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), Johnny Darmawan said, the impact of bilateral agreements was not a monopoly for the automotive industry alone. Therefore, various aspects of global business interests that already exists between the business actors in Indonesia and Japan are also included in it.
"The automotive industry is only a small part of the contents of the agreement. In addition, the numbers are not fantastic considering the luxury car market share is relatively small, ie 5% -10%. Currently, automobile products to middle-class market, or less than 3,000 cc still dominate

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